I'm just an average girl with a not so average life and this is my story. So tell me what you think, or some advice or whatever the heck you want but I seriously love when I see comments!(:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Why Him

The other night my mom asked me, "Why him?". She was wondering what attracted me to him, why I chose him. The weird thing was, I didn't know how to answer. The only thing I could think of was "Because he's Carter." I mean it's always been Cart, I can barely remember a time it wasn't. I knew the very day I saw him, he was something special. I comented to Liv how hot I thought he was. Then I got to know him, and that was the end of that! I was head over heels. I still can't explain to you why. Maybe it's the way he laughs, or maybe it's the way he holds my hand. The way he hugs, the way he gets excited over things like fruit pizza. Maybe it's because he's the pickest eater I've ever met, maybe he's clever and whitty. Bruttaly honest. For some crazy reason maybe it's because he loves math. Maybe it's because he's everything I love, hate, and want to be. Or maybe its juat because he reminds me of myself.

Or maybe it's just every little thing about him that I can't seem to get enough of. It seems I've fallen in love with his flaws, quirks & eveeything else. It's an incredible feeling.

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