It's been a while since I've written, sorry bout that! I guess I just dont know what to say. I don't know what I'll want to remember in the future. I don't know what I'll end up forgeting. So I guess I just describe the past 3 big events.
Stewartville Meet:
So we got there, me and Cart ran a warm up lap which I ran in boots, it's a lot harder than you'd think! Haha(: Then we did our warm ups which was really just us pretending to do warm ups ahaha(: He got really excited cuz he saw a fly! Then we did pretty much nothing for a while, we went over to pole vault & Eric broke his pole, then Nick was creeping everyone out and asking random people if theyd seen a red ball. Then he threatened to feed my cat to me and burn my house down... XD We were leaving when we saw Mikki *shudder* and she and her friend screamed "YOUR A TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT" at me I was just like "Thanks". Carter didn't even think they were talking to me at first then he was like "I've never even heard someome call somebody that before!!" ahaha(: I had to run my 4 X 8, which didnt go so well! Carter kept thinking they were saying spirit midley ha(: I was really tired so I was loopy, & we were talking to Josh about how this Anne Frank movie almost made me cry ha(: I got cold so me & Cart cuddled a lot ;D Devon awkwardly asked him if he liked me lol & Cart replied "Yes Devon, I like her very much, she's my girlfriend." haha((: Mom met his mom for the 1st time but didnt realize that it was his mom! Nick also called Peyton hot & said something bout losing his virginity?! Then we talked about his drugpants & I told him I wanna here his gf's lisp and he laughed and told me fuck you ahaha((: We also won our freshman 4 X 400 team of me, Jade, ashy-poo (Her 1st meet since acl!!!) and bekah! We got shirts and I was really excited bout it hehe(: theyre kinda ugly though! All in all it was a pretty great meet!
Softball game;
Oh man, this was a great day! So nothing really exciting happened at school (like usual). I got to track, talked to Cart, he was sick and he according to him sounded like a "dying elephant" ahaha but I thought it was cute(: So practice was just kinda whatever, but we got freezies for somebodys birthday! Apparantly Cart was cranky that day & it was funny cuz Kayla & Crystal were like "Fix him!!" ahaha(: But he really wasnt crabby, at least not to me! He left for piano, I went to Ashy-poo's house (I got subway, WHOOOO!) and I feel really bad cuz she has a bunch of crap going on with her stepsister :( But she's dating Grant again!(: Then we went to the game and sat in the dugout. Addie got excited to see me! I think she likes me! Haha WHOOO(: & everyone kept asking me where cart was lol (he was late cuz of piano) The LAURA showed up!! Blaahhh, she keeps texting Cart :( But he dosnt respond! YEAH!!(: I may or may not have been more cuddly cuz she was there... ;P And ALLEE's friends were
there!! Ha! They kept staring at me, it was pretty funny!
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