I'm just an average girl with a not so average life and this is my story. So tell me what you think, or some advice or whatever the heck you want but I seriously love when I see comments!(:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Boys, Boys, Boys!(;

Ahhhhhh!!! I'm so friggen happy right now!(: you remember how I told you about the unbelievably sexy J?(; ahaha well he just asked to hang out! I think he seriously likes me! Ahhhh I would love it so much if he'd just become my boy fraaand already!! He needs to dump his ugly ass girl friend (I'm sure shes actually really nice and she's not that ugly but I'm just competitive!) already and date meeee!(: we talked the whole time in PLTW (it's like technology) and it was so much fun! He has the cutest laugh EVER!(: oh gosh I really do sound boy crazy right now! Maybe L's right! XD

On a completely random note, we won our football game tonight! 57-7 or something! :P I also won my soccer game yesterday 6-0 which is like the 2nd time in a week that has ever happened to me!(:

I love my life so much!!!(;

Monday, September 17, 2012

Kiss and... Lead?

I'm sure you saw this title and were just so intrigued you had to know, but it's not at all what you think! Haha Well I guess you'll see!(:

Let me start of with the positive:

Alright so I'm just a nerd like this and get excited about lame school things but I was one of 17 other students in my grade chosen to participate in this leadership seminar (Get the title yet?(; ) And I feel special!! Ahaha but that's tomorrow so I'll tell you how it goes, and I know it will be at least decent because i get free subway and that shits just friggen yummy!(:

Positive and Horrible:

L, (My best friend I talked about last post) invited me to go to a bonfire with her and H, and BOYS!! Well let me tell you this is nothing new for me but they hardly even talk to guys! So I'm like super excited for them! And I mean it's not like they're gay for each other or anything cause they do occasionally but.. yeah you get the point!(; Any way ill tell you more about that after it happens! But It's not all good here in Sammie's world... :/ So you know how L asked me to go? Well at first I knew I could go because she said its Saturday but then plans changed and it was on Friday. Well i have a soccer tournament Saturday morning and she sitting there just like oh skip it, screw responsibilities, JUST PARTY WOO HOO!!!! Okay so maybe no exactly like that!(; but pretty much, and i was like no way! I cant do that to my team, not cool. And then while im sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HER she goes 'Hey Katie wanna come to a bonfire with me and H?" Like what the hell! Is it just me or was that extremely rude? And Katie couldn't but... still! So I talked to Jake and he said we can do it Saturday, it didn't change a thing and im really starting to think she doesnt even want me to go, but she claims she does. But she keeps whining about how "she has to put make up on" and "Saturdays lame". Yeah Saturdays totally lame... WTH!! >:( Wow I didnt mean to make this a rant! XD But I just know. Do you guys think that was rude? Do I need new friends? Help....

This can not be a coincidence! XD

Friday, September 14, 2012

All Alone

Wow this blog is just so friggen depressing lately! Which is really weird cuz I'm an extremely happy person! Well I guess you'll see but lately, since July to be exact I have not been so cheerful but I'll save that for another post.

Well anyway, do you ever feel just so incredibly alone even when you surrounded by people? If you've seen one of my earlier posts you know I recently lost my best friend. Well now my other "best friend" is just kinda a huge bitch. Well at least lately anyway. I love the girl to death but lately I just kinda want to punch her in the face. We all hang out with a little group of people which is great and all but there's this one chick who whenever my bestie hangs out with her she's just NASTY to everybody. And then I get pissed and then the chick starts making the "her time of the month" jokes. Just shut your face hole already! -.- And my bestie keeps telling me how much she hates this girl for a million reasons but then they hang out the entire weekend and don't include any of us but I'm not even entirely sure I'd want to go! So I just feel lost. They don't understand me at all and I don't think it's to great of a friendship. I'm friends with almost every single person in our school yet I feel like I have no friends. Nobody that just gets it and I could kinda use that now. I just don't even know what to do...

I miss this...

Missing Out :/

Well here I sit, alone in my basement while everybody else is at the football game hanging out and flirting it up. Wanna know why? My MOM. Now this isn't a rare occurrence, my mom Is incredibly psychotic. I'm sure from that statement you can tell we don't get along. Well last week I wasn't allowed to go to the boys JV soccer game because I forgot to pick up a towel, and now I can't go to one of the 3 home football games because I was getting screamed at and got upset. Cool, just friggen cool. Ughhh I feel like I'm missing out on so much right now! :'(

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last Day of Summer

Wow, the post title really clashes with my blog name. Oh well!(;

First day of school tomorrow. Yay. -_- I don't want to go back. Ever. Haha(:
If you'll observe the image above, you'll see two teenage girls. A dirty blonde and reddish brunette. These two girls have been best friends since the third grade. They used to be inseparable, well until today that is. Because one has some serious issues and the other tried to be there for her. But she got pushed away, and insulted and scolded. That girl is me.

That's me and who used to be my best friend, it was an endless summer day, we had done each others hair and make up for fun, and we'd biked into town. But that's before she became the monster she is now. It kills me to say that but I don't know what else to say because that's the truth. She's anorexic, depressed, suicidal and very possibly bipolar. She's been like this for about 8 months. I did my best to be there for her but she didn't care. She blames me for her "bitchiness" and so do her parents. she picks fights with md over everything and insults me constantly. Shes almost never there for me and dosnt appriciated a thing I do for her. I relize I'm not perfect and I have my faults but I just had to tell somebody about hers because she dosnt relize she's not a great friend either. I finally told her I can't deal with this anymore, she called me a bitch and told me she wanted to slap me. I'm starting to think she was never a great friend but than I think back to all the memories we've made and how amazing those times were. Well I guess what I'm trying to say is did I make the right choice? :/

Monday, September 3, 2012


I'm laying here at 11:00 PM starting a new blog. I have a different one (ask if you want a link) and that one started as a journal but somehow turned into fashion and make up! But I figured I'll give it another try. So this will be all about my life that one started as a journal but somehow turned into fashion and make up! But I figured I'll give it another try. So this will be all about my life. It's pretty friggen dramatic, maybe a little too exciting. Haha anyway, I just thought this would be a cool wag of getting my story out there.